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                                             1031 exchange    158, 293 Christian    223, 224 GNP             233
                                             20/20              236 Christo's "Gales'  .43 Gokhale, jagadeesh  .38
                                             401(k)   27, 58, 105, 170, 315 Churchill, Winston  .330 Golden Rule, The  77, 78, 218,316
                                             7UP                 93 Clark, Herman   199, 200 Google          296
                                             9/11                .79 Clear Channel     .43 GQ                211
                                             ABC News            .77 Clinton, President Bill  .36, 73 Graduate, The  21
                                             Aborigines         112 CNBC        ,     262 Graff, Rhona   25, 26, 277
                                             Aflac              127 Columbus           187 Great Depression  .39
                                             Africa             122 Cone of Learning,The  125, 126, 135 Great Retirement Rip-off, The  28
                                             Agassi, Andre      208 Cortez            187 Greece             152
                                             Agrarian Age       296 Cunningham, U.S. Senator Randall...72 Greenspan, Chairman Alan  .73
                                             America We Deserve, The  Dawe, Jonathan  151 Grenadines         172
                                               ............................23, 27, 35, 37, 78 da Vinci, Leonardo  214 Gresham's Law  .75
                                             American Indian ChiefJoseph  177 Da Gama  187 Gretsky, Wayne    207
                                             Apprentice, The  17, 19, 21,22, 24 DefinedBenefit (DB)  57, 58, 260 GulfWestern Building  151
                                               ......30, 32, 127, 161, 232, 276, 277 Defined Contribution (DC)  Hamburger University  .317
                                             Aristotle       193, 194             ,57, 58, 260 Harvard       229
                                             Art of theComeback, The  24, 98 del Hoya, Alberto  276 Hindu    218
                                             Art of the Deal, The  98 Dell            296 Hitler, Adolf      .39
                                             Asia             .39, 122 Dell, Michael  150 HolyWar            218
                                             Ashe, ReverendVernon  50 Democratic    29, 168 Honolulu Magazine  168
                                             Australia     112, 197, 316 Depression    57 How To GetRich     .49
                                             B -1 Triangle   148, 149 DerScutt         67 HurricaneKatrina   .48
                                             Bad NewsBears      197 Descartes          .44 India     .23, 51, 54, 55, 56
                                             Barbaro             52 DMZ               176              247, 248, 251
                                             Beethoven          152 Dobias, Theodore  192 Inouye, SenatorDaniel K  187
                                             Beijing             22 Dubai              91 IPOs (Initial Public Offerings)..110, 158
                                             Bell, Alexander Graham  66 Economist, The  250 Iraq War         .48
                                             Belmont Stakes      52 Edison, Thomas     97 Ireland         197, 247
                                             Bernanke, Chairman Ben  73 Einstein, Albert  .40, 56, 84, 162 IRS  274, 315
                                             Beverly HillsHotel  276 Emerson, Ralph Waldo  .31, 84 Israel   .316
                                             BonwitTelier        67 England           197 Italy              152
                                             Boy Scouts         196 Enron           170, 330 jagger, Mick    279
                                             Branson, Richard   122 ERISA        170, 260, 315 japan      .47, 316
                                             Breaux, SenatorJohn  36 Europe  .39, 53,1 22,1 78. 316 jeanne-Claude  .43
                                             Browning, Robert    93 Exxon              85 Jewish          218, 223
                                             Buddhism        217, 223 Faldo, Nick     20B jobs, Steve     122,1 50
                                             Budhayana           56 Federal Reserve    73 KaplanThaler Group  127
                                             Buffett            .71 Federer, Roger  207, 20B KaplanThaler, Linda  127
                                              Mary               50 Fitzgerald, F. Scott  50 Kennedy, President John  124, 272
                                              Peter             .50 Florence          152 Kennedy, Joseph  124, 272
                                              Warren  .41, 50, 70, 71, 72,110 Forbes  96, 262, 306 KentuckyDerby  .52
                                               ..................119, 156, 163, 275, 296 Forbes, Steve  269 Kings Point  181
                                               ..................................297, 298, 299 Ford, Henry  I72, 173 Kissinger, Henry  215
                                             Buffettology      50, 69 Frost, Robert    66 Kiyosaki, Kim  21-25, 28, 29, 82, 131
                                             Burnett, Mark  24, 161, 214, 276 Fuller, Dr. R. Buckminstcr  ..142. 150, 153,175, 177,2 04,213
                                             Burnett, Roma      276              183, 213, 327  219, 240-242,249,250,264.266
                                             Bush, President GeorgeW.  .73 Gallipoli   53           274, 293, 320, 336
                                             Canada          122, 316 GAO              36 K iyosaki, Ralph   167
                                             Canadian Stock Exchange  158 Gates,Bill  150 Korea             .316
                                             Canouan Island     172 GOP               233 Koval, Robin       127
                                             CASHFLOW  90, 91, 124.1 25, 126 General Electric  97 kroc, Ray  147
                                               ..........158, 213, 235, 271, 299, 300 General Motors Corporation  LearningAnnex.The
                                             CASHFLOW Clubs  .48. 135. 300    69, 70, 71, 72, 296  17, 18, 23, 28, 30, 35
                                             CAs HFLOW games    135 Generation X       58 Lechter, Michael  158, 213
                                             CASHFLOW Quadrant  .41. 95, 97 Generation Y  58 Lechter, Sharon  13, 17, 19, 131, 142,
                                              ..............................................98, 99 GENt  183  150, 153, 158, 177,213
                                             China  23, 24, 51, 53, 54, 64, 247  (Global Energy Network International)  334-337, 342
                                              ..................248, 250, 273, 274, 316 German  39 Lennon, john  184
                                            Chivari             153 Girl Scouts       196 Levine, james      151
                                             WHY W E W ANT You To BE RICH
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