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         Levi's              157 Power of Nice, The  127 Triple Crown     52
         Lincoln, Abraham    162 Preakness          52 Trump
         Little League   19, 82,197 Pressfield,Sleven  121, 122  8arron  127, 276, 278
         Lombardi,Vince      195 Punjab             55  Don[r     .31, 54, 277, 278
         London              22 PythagoreanTheorem  56  Elizabeth        173
         M.LT.               173 Republican      29, 168  Fred Ifather)  l72
         M1                  233 Rich Dad PoorDad 25, 31, 50, 88, 90  Fred (brother)  178
         M2                  233      91, 107, 114, 134, 158, 170  Ivanka  54, 277, 278
         M3                  233             213, 234, 264  Mary         178
         Magellan            187 Rich Dad's            Melania      127, 276, 278
         Maoris              112  Before You Quit YourJob  97, 211  Tiffany  276
         Marine Corps  95, 99, 175, 176, 177  CASHFLOW Personal  Trump International Hotel & Tower 151
           ..........................189, 306, 325, 326  Finance Course  171 Trump National GolfClub I
         McCartney, Paul     273  CASHFLOW Quadrant  95, 100  Los Angeles  276
         McDonald's  147, 149, 150, 156  Guide to Im'esting  97 Trump Place  24, 214
           ..........................................157, 317  INSIDERS  318 Trump Productions  276
         Mciver,Meredith  19-26, 29  Prophecy    27, 81 TrumpTower  21, 24, 54, 67
           ...................................334-337, 343  Real f state Advantages  158  68, 89, 302
         Medicaid        36, 37, 39  A8C'sof Real Estate Investing  171 Twain, Mark  56
         Medicare  23, 27, 35, 36, 39, 40, 45  Teach To BeRich  .48, 135, 279 U.S. Government'sGeneral
           ......46, 47, 48, 57, 73, 76, 169, 261 Rich Woman  82  AccountingOffice  35
         MetropolitanOpera   151 Rolling Stones  121,279 U.S. Merchant MarineAcademy
         Michelson, Phil     208 Rolls Royce       119         21, 81, 118, 181, 187
         Microsoft           296 Roosevelt, Franklin Delano  39 U.S.Naval Academy  181
         Middle East      29, 316 Runner'sWorld    211 U.S. Navy fighter pilot  72
         Mike                65 Ruth, 8abe         207 USAToday           58
         Mogull, Kim        .320 Saks              80 Venice             152
         Monopoly       91, 157, 159 Sanskrit      55 Vietnam ...73, 118, 134, 169,175, 177
         Montana, Joe  201, 202, 203 Schiller, Keith  18, 22  182, 183, 189, 190, 218
         Mt.Everest          52 Scotland           197             260, 295, 326
         Muslim           218, 223 SEC             273 Virgin            122
         National Education Association  Shinto    217 VolvoOcean Race  S2,53
           (NEA)             168 Sindh River       .55 Wagoner, Rich     .71
         Navy             .73, 181 Smetters, Kent  .38 Wall Street  .71, 119, 282, 320
         Navy Flight School..175, 189,233,280 Smith, Anna Nicole  272 Wall StreetJournal, The  52
         New York magazine  213 SocialSecurity  23,2 7, 3S,36, 39, 40 Warof Art, The  121, 122
         NewYork Military Academy  192  45,46,47,48,57,73, 76, 169,261 Warner 8ros  150
         New York Times, The 18,2 0,30, 47, 91 Sony  150 Washington     73, 77
         New York TimesMagazine, The ..27, 28 Sophocles  193 Wayne, Iohn  295
         New Zealand    53, 112, 197 South Africa  197 Welch, Jack..      97
         Nixon, PresidentRichard  .39, 74 South America  24, 64, 122,316 WestPoint  182
         NorthVietnam        175 Sports lIIustrated  201 Wharton   118, 174, 194
         Norton, Dr. A.A.  182, 183 St.8arts       172 Wilson, Charles    69
         Novack, AI          118 Standard Oil  60, 62, 182 Woods, Tiger 121, 150, 279, 283, 284
         Object Orange       .43 Standard Oil of California  118, 182 World Trade Organization (WTO) 248
         Oprah            92, 213 Starbucks        54 World War 1    53, 57, 194
         Ottoman Empire      83 Sutton, Garrett    158 World War II  57, 182, 189, 194, 247
         Papaete, Tahiti    188 Sydney             22 World WideWeb      112
         Paris               22 Tahiti          182, 187 X-ray     234, 237, 241
         PBS            21, 28, 132 Telecom ReformAct  247, 248 Xerox Corporation  61, 62, 134,211
         Patton, GeorgeS    193 Thomas, Representative William        280, 281
         Peace Corps        177                  36, 37 Yahoo! Finance  21, 296
         Peal, Dr. NormanVincent  224 Thoreau   214. 284 Zanker, Bill  18, 20, 42
         Peale, Ruth        224 Tiffany's          67
         Picasso          172, 173 TIME Magaz;ne  27, 28, 59, 170,250
         Plato               195 Tokyo             22
         Playboy            211 Top Gun            73
         Player, Gary       184 Toronto            22
         Plutarch           128 Toyota             236
         Pop Warner          197 Treasury Department  .73
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