Page 65 - Why We Want You To Be Rich - Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki.pdf
P. 65

,                                       How To MAKE YOURSELF RICH I 59

       financialproblems become, the higher the financial IQ is required to handle
       the problems. We're going to need all the brainpower we can get to solve
       this problem.
    ~'    Worst ofall, repeating the cover headline ofTIME Magazine, October

       31, 2005:
                          "The Great Retirement Ripoff

              Millions of Americans who think they will retire with
              benefits are in for a NASTY SURPRISE.

              How corporations are picking people's pockets with the
              help ofCongress."

          The lack of financial education in our schools makes it easy for
       unscrupulous people, even elected officialsfrom both parties, to legallysteal
       from the unsuspecting. So the problem compounds itself

       Tell Me About It

          Donald and I hope we are wrong, but we sincerely believe America is in
       trouble ... and ifAmerica is in trouble, the world is in trouble.
          One ofthe bigger problems in the world today is the rising price ofoil.
       Oil isthe blood ofthe world's economy. Ifthe price ofoil gets too high, and
       wedo not find a better alternative ro oil soon, the world economy will begin
       to die. As Donald said to me one day, "Ifgasoline costs $5 a gallon at the
       pump, it does not affect you and me that much. Bur ifyou're earning$10 an
       hour, then $5 a gallon will take food from your family." He went on to say.
       "Oil affects everything in our economy, and the problem is, we're running
       out. Priceswill only go higher. Youand I will be OK, bur millions ofpeople
       will be hurt by it."
          If oil goes to over $100 a barrel, and I believe it will sometime in the
       near future, the economy will suffer - bur you do not have to. Youcan face
       the problem now and be part ofthe solution.
          When I talk to people about some ofthe financial challengesahead, I get
       different responses. One common response is, "Don't tell me about it."
       Another response I get is, "We need to think positively. All this negativity
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