Page 87 - Why We Want You To Be Rich - Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki.pdf
P. 87


              5) Entitlement mentality
              6) Higher oil prices
             7) Tax breaks for the rich

          Anyone of these problems could spell financial ruin for any
       country. It is more important than ever that you educate yourself
       and your family so that you can protect yourself financially in the
       future. Through education, you gain vision. Through vision, you gain
       the ability to spot economic problems and turn them into economic
       opportunities. However, you must be careful about what kind of
       education you receive.
          r once heard someone say, "Before advertising entered in, I saw
       the world." Things were clearer to this person before he let
       advertising and the media and the politicians take him full sway. He
       admitted to foggier vision after the worldly experts came in to clear
       things up for him. The media is a powerful tool, for good and for
       bad. So the bottom line is you have to learn to think for yourself.
          Robert and I are not here to do the thinking for you. But because
       we've both done a lot of thinking, and have been successful, we
       believe that what we have to say might be able to lift some of the
       fog from the horizon, and maybe even tune down the media blasts
       we are all subjected to.

      WhatAre Your Natural Instincts?

          Growing up in Hawaii, I'm sure Robert is an ace swimmer. He'd
       better be, considering he was a surfer. I never would've thought I'd
       be coauthoring a book with some surfer-dude type from Hawaii. I
       remember a statement from his book, Rich Dad's Prophecy: "You
      cannot learn to swim from a textbook." It was followed by: "You
      cannot learn business from a textbook or from business school." In
      other words, nothing compares with frontline experience.
          Which brings me to something else I was thinking about that has
      to do with instincts. Robert spent a year at sea, going around the
      World as part of his training at the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy.

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