Page 84 - Why We Want You To Be Rich - Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki.pdf
P. 84


                                                are rich. When assetprices increase,it makesassets (things ofreal and lasting
                                                value) more expensive, out of the reach of the poor and the middle class.
                                                JUSt look at the price ofreal estate and ask anyone who has not yet bought
                                                a house ifthey think it is easy to afford the house oftheir dreams today. It's
                                                tough to buy a house with money that is only trickling down.

                                                In Summary

                                                    Donald Trump and I came together because we feel this country is on

                                                the wrong course and time is running out. Instead ofgetting better, things
                                                are going from bad to worse -  simply because we are not solving our
                                                financial problems, we are only pushing them forward for the next
                                                generation to handle.
                                                    In his book, The America T# Deserve, Donald Trump talks about what
                                                he would do if he were president of the United States. After reading his
                                                book, I found his ideas bold and imaginative. I think he would make an

                                                excellent president and would campaign vigorously for him, if he should
                                                ever decide to run.

                                                   Personally, I am lessoptimistic. My father ran for Lieutenant Governor
                                                of the State of Hawaii and was defeated. That experience left me with less
                                                faith in the political process. My plan is simply to be financially astute,
                                                personally responsible for my life, and not to allow myself to become a
                                                victim ofour government's mismanagement.
                                                   My father believed he could change the government. After his bitter
                                                defeat, I decided it was best to change me. Instead ofattempting to change
                                                the laws, such as trying to make the tax laws more fair, I simply decided to
                                                become rich and use the tax laws to my benefit. Ifyou would rather join the
                                                rich than fight them, then read on. This book is for you. Ifyou would rather
                                                change the government, then this may not be the book for you.
                                                   Donald and I believe that the best way to change the rules is to first get
                                                the gold. Ifyou have the gold, then you have more power. When you have
                                                the power, you are better able to enforce the real Golden Rule, the rule that
                                                states, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

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