Page 96 - Why We Want You To Be Rich - Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki.pdf
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                                                                                  me years ago (and about which I have
                                                                                  written in my other books). While
                                                    I realized the reason
                                                                                  most of us have heard of the 80/20
                                                 most people invest not to        rule, the 90/10 rule applies more

                                                    lose is because most          specifically to money. Simply put, in
                                                                                  the game ofmoney, 10 percent ofthe
                                                  people think investing is
                                                                                  players win 90 percent of the money.
                                                  risky or thafinvesting is
                                                                                  For example, in the game of golf, 10
                                                    gambling. Many also           percent ofall professional players win

                                                 believe that to get higher       90 percent of the money, and 90
                                                                                  percent of the professional players
                                                  returns meansyouhave
                                                                                  split the remaining 10 percent.
                                                    to take on more t isk.
                                                                                     The 90/10 rule has served as a
                                                 Nothing could be further         trusty rule of thumb in my life

                                                       from the truth.            (though I know ofno scientific studies
                                                                                  that haveset out to prove it). We've all
                                                         - Robert T. J<iyosaki
                                                                                  heard how 10 percent ofallAmericans
                                                                                  own 90 percent of the available
                                                                                  wealth. When you look at real estate
                                                 investors, it issafe to saythat 10 percent again own or control 90 percent of
                                                 the wealth, with the greatest amount going to the top 1 percent ofthat 10
                                                    One ofthe waysthis 90/10 rule has been useful for me isin choosing my
                                                 endeavors. For example, one ofthe reasons I have not taken up the game of
                                                 golfas a profession is simply because I do not think I could be in the top 10
                                                 percent. Not only do I believeI don't have the talent, I do not have the desire.
                                                 Ifyou everheard me sing,you would alsoknow why I did not choose singing
                                                 as a career.When I decided to write RichDad PoorDad and create my board
                                                 game CASHFLOW, I was not only pretty certain my book and game could
                                                 do well, I also wantedto do well, even though I had never been a good writer
                                                 or ever developed a board game. I wanted to do well, I wanted to teach and
                                                 I wanted to win.
                                                    I believe the reason Donald Trump and I got together issimply because

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