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P. 142
When he designed Trump Tower with luxury condominiums,
Trump recognized the fact that there are well-paid major executives
in all the big corporations, and that many movie stars and celebrities
would wantaprestigious building in a prime location—and would
paya premium price. Many owners travel extensively and use their
units as a home away from home while they’re in New York City. Ex-
ecutives of big corporations, especially foreign executives from Eu-
rope or Asia, want a place in a convenient location where they can
entertain guests in plush surroundings and be comfortable. Trump
Tower’s location, at 56th Street and 5thAvenue,whichisinwalking
distance of all the major buildings in Manhattan, was ideal. They
could buy aresidential unit in the corporate name and use it as their
headquarters while they’re in the city.
Trump Tower offers residents numerous amenities such as a
beautiful spa and fitness facility, concierge service, separate attended
elevators, 24-hour doorman, whose duties include hailing taxicabs,
accepting packages, and calling you when your limousine arrives.
Small investors can do the same thing on a different scale by offering
buyers or tenants special amenities that will impress them and sell
them on your site.
Use Feng Shui to Boost Property Values
Here’s a case in point which demonstrates the importance of under-
standing your customers’ lifestyle. This example is Trump International
Tower on Columbus Circle in New York City. During the planning
stages, Trump knew Asians were a likely source of potential buyers,
and that the building he was constructing should cater to their de-
sires. So he had feng shui experts advise him on the design of the
building. Feng shui is an ancient Chinese philosophy involving the
relationship of individuals with their surroundings. It’s a standard
of practice for creating the ideal environment in which to live and