Page 137 - [George_Ross,_Andrew_James_McLean,_Donald_J._Trump(BookFi)
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photograph this attraction, Trump’s signature touch in this de-
velopment. It was very costly, but everyone who enters the
building hears and sees it. It has paid for itself many times over.
3. Landscaping. The grove of trees strategically planted along five
floors of the facade, at the corner of 56th Street and 5th Avenue.
4. Location overlooking Central Park, in the heart of the most
important and wealthy business district in America—Mid-
town Manhattan.
You’ve seen how Donald Trump does it but you might ask, “How
can I, on a much smaller scale, go about adding sizzle and prestige to
maximize the value of my property?” The real secret for property of
any size is creating something visually striking. It’s perceived value.
It doesn’t have to be expensive, but it has to be perceived as valuable.
This can be accomplished by a stylish choice of colors, by the type of
impressive plantings or desirable amenities so that the potential cus-
tomer thinks, “This looks like a really nice place to live.” It all comes
together to create the image of desirability.
What makes something appear desirable? It could be the polished
brass hardware or the molding on doors, or the type of wood that the
door is made from. It could be window treatments or the immediate
availability of maintenance when required. These enhancements are
not necessarily expensive. It’s the intelligent way of blending creative
things together to create the aura of perceived value.
Landscape Design for Visual Impact
Landscaping the exterior should never be overlooked. Even small in-
vestors should hire a competent landscape designer. Many are reason-
ably priced. There is a perceptible harmony to what they do.
Designers can create a landscape that reinforces the impression of de-
sirability, without the necessity of costly maintenance. They also have
the ability to choose plantings that enhance the topography, the