Page 56 - [George_Ross,_Andrew_James_McLean,_Donald_J._Trump(BookFi)
P. 56


                   cation if he can devise a plan that will dramatically change the way
                   people perceive and value the property. To be attractive to Trump or
                   to any intelligent investor there has to be undiscovered potential for
                   adding significant value to the property—value that is not already
                   factored into the selling price of the building.
                       For example, if the officers of the engineering society had known
                   that it was possible to build a 90-story building on their property
                   they could have sold the concept to many other developers for a much
                   higher price. Most people looking at the site would have seen only
                   the potential for a 370,000-square-foot 20-story building, the limit
                   permitted under the then existing zoning restrictions of the city.
                   What made the deal successful was Trump’s creative vision for buy-
                   ing up the surrounding air rights, and using them to build a towering
                   667,000 square foot structure with high ceilings, floor-to-ceiling
                   windows, thus capitalizing on the site’s potentially magnificent
                   views. The genius of Trump was that he was able to put all the pieces
                   together at a price that was consistent with the anticipated sales
                   prices he would get for the condominium units.
                       Though you may be a small investor, if you want to be extremely
                   successful make sure that you too have a vision for adding significant
                   value to any property you buy. Think about your vision for adding
                   undiscovered value before you get serious about putting any money
                   down for the property. You have to think creatively about the ways
                   to get the highest and best use out of a property. For example, you
                   might buy a fixer-upper in a great neighborhood and renovate it, or
                   build an addition, increase the number of units or the quality of the
                   tenants. Other creative options are to build another building or
                   amenities on the property, change the use from residential to com-
                   mercial or vice versa, or seek a variance or a change in the zoning.
                   These are all ways to enhance the value.
                       The bottom line is, whenever you are considering buying an in-
                   vestment property; explore ways to “Improve the Location.”

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