Page 158 - Trump University Commercial Real Estate 101
P. 158


                                       Take Onl y

                             Intelligent Risks

                     I won ’ t insult your intelligence by saying:  “ Real estate investing involves
                   risk. ”  You know that, having read this far.
                         I won ’ t even say,  “ The goal is to take as little risk as possible. ”  That ’ s
                   also too simplistic, because it turns risk into the objective when you and
                   I both know we ’ re in real estate with the objective of making money.
                         Instead, our goal should be to eliminate all unnecessary risk, and
                   understand the risk we do take on. That ’ s what I mean by  “ Take only
                   intelligent risks. ”
                         I see it happen all the time to certain investors who are long on
                   enthusiasm and very short on preparation. First they get all excited
                   about investing. Then they dive in and fl ail around for a while. A few
                   get lucky and their first deal actually works out okay. However, most of

                   these investors get out of real estate as fast as they got in. For decades
                   to come, they ’ ll then proclaim to anyone who will listen that  “ I tried
                   real estate investing and it doesn ’ t work. ”
                         It doesn ’ t have to be that way. In this chapter I show you how to
                   avoid many of the career - ending mistakes investors make. That ’ s the
                   part about eliminating all unnecessary risk. I ’ ll also explain what can
                   go wrong and why. That way, you ’ ll be moving ahead with the

                     confidence of knowing what to expect.


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