Page 199 - Trump University Commercial Real Estate 101
P. 199
Use a Money Multiplier
The trick here is to craft a compelling, quick, and non-pushy
statement about what you currently are working on. Then you weave
a sentence or two of this statement into your conversation.
I ’ m not talking about pitching these people on your deal. Instead, if
in the course of your activities you casually mention that you ’ ve been
super - busy recently, putting together the financing on the North Point
Shopping Center, you can then gauge their reaction.
If you see zero response, then you might drop the subject. You ’ re
more likely to hear “ Oh? I didn ’ t know you were involved with that
property . . . ” That gives you a tiny opening to respond “ Oh, yeah, I ’ m
assembling a group of investors who could get a nice return. Do you
know anyone who might be interested? ”
I teach a number of ways to break the ice about your investments
in a casual and effective manner. But the point I ’ m making here is that
you ’ ll never know about these potential investment partners if you
never ask. And discovering the casual way to raise the subject makes
the process stress - free, natural, and highly effective.
Another skill you should develop is to become visible where these
potential investors congregate. For instance, business owners often
have some money to invest, and they attend meetings at the Chamber
of Commerce or Rotary Club. Join organizations like these.
Charitable organizations are filled with local movers and shakers .
They ’ re the people who regularly donate their money and time. When
you donate some of your own time, you become one of them. It ’ s a
very wise investment, and you ’ re doing good at the same time that you ’ ll
be doing well .
Angel Investors
The most important private money investor is the angel investor . These
people are experienced investors with lots of money. They also know
many other angel investors, so once you crack open this network, you
could potentially be flooded with money.
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