Page 232 - Trump University Commercial Real Estate 101
P. 232
Use a Time Multiplier
Some things don ’ t change when you become rich. Time, for instance.
When you ’ re a working stiff, trying to break out of the 9 - to - 5 exist-
ence, it ’ s easy to lament: “ I just don ’ t have time to do anything but
work and sleep and work again. ”
When you ’ re rich, your time is really no different. It ’ s true that
you can afford many assistants and specialists, but you may still lament,
“ If I only had more time, I could do so - o - o many more deals. ”
Earlier we discussed your money multipliers — all the fi nancing
sources available to you, so that you can get more deals done. We ’ ve
also covered the key members of your team.
Of all those key members, one specialist has the potential to
advance your real estate career more than any other: It ’ s your property
I don ’ t want to get too galactic on you here, but think about it: An
effective property manager allows you to transcend both time and
space. Not only does that company do the day - to - day work to keep
your property running smoothly, but it can happen 2,000 miles away
from you.
These companies are true time and wealth multipliers, and deserve
a whole chapter of their own.
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