Page 268 - Trump University Commercial Real Estate 101
P. 268
Beware of investors like this. They have no integrity. And get that
proof of funds document.
Also ask for a financial history from the buyer. You ’ re unlikely to
get a pile of tax returns, but it would be reasonable to get a letter from
his lender stating that he is qualified to take down the deal.
Make sure you get a big enough deposit to keep the buyer in the
deal. Many buyers naturally want to put down as little as possible, and
some will even suggest with a straight face that a few dollars should be
suffi cient. That ’ s when you simply smile and suggest that a few per-
cent of the purchase price would be suffi cient — say, one to three
percent. The bigger the deal, the lower the percentage.
If you ’ re smart, you ’ ll get a down payment before the due diligence
period and then ask for more money when the buyer signs off on the
due diligence. This would mean that all of the buyer ’ s deposits into
the deal would be considered hard — in other words, if he walks away,
he loses it all. It ’ s a good way to keep him in the game. If he doesn ’ t
want to put up any additional funds, perhaps he isn ’ t serious after all.
A few buyers will put money down hard right at the offer stage.
I like these buyers! They let you know they are committed to the deal
by giving you tens of thousands of dollars that they know they ’ ll not
get back unless they close. That gets my attention.
Why would a buyer do this? He may already have done a lot of the
due diligence and likes what he sees. He may know it ’ s a competitive
situation, wants the property, and is willing to take a risk to get it. He
correctly knows that by going hard early, he ’ s telling the seller he is a
closer, and if the seller takes the offer, the deal is very likely to happen.
Google Is Your Friend
It ’ s true that some of the best things in life are free. When it comes to
real estate transactions, your use of the free Google search engine is
definitely a wonderful thing.
Google your buyer and find out everything you can about him.
Sometimes you ’ ll verify that the buyer is indeed credible and substan-
tial. Other times you ’ ll come up with very surprising results.
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