Page 273 - Trump University Commercial Real Estate 101
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                   Access to property, in letter of intent, 94  list of names for direct mail and, 45–46
                   Access to property’s location, as value   Assignment to third party, in letter of
                       indicator, 36                    intent, 93
                   Accounts payable, property manager   Assistant, on home team, 200–201
                       and, 215, 226                 Attitude, property management fi rms
                   Acquaintances                        and, 155–156
                     as source of deals, 59–60       Attorneys. See also Legal due diligence
                     as source of fi nancing, 178–179  on deal team, 204–205
                   Actual numbers, buying based on,   hiring of qualifi ed, 150
                       11–12, 68–69, 147–148          leases in place and, 75
                   Advertising plans, property manager   review of closing documents by, 134
                       and, 220                       as source of deals, 56
                   Agency, types of, 244–245          terms sheets and, 169
                   Agree/repeat pattern, in negotiation, 105  title insurance and, 133
                   Agriculture, US Department of, 58  using for P&S, 110
                   A.M. side of roads, 72
                   Americans with Disabilities Act, 123, 210  Bad deals, recognizing early, 142–145
                   Anchor tenants, repositioning and, 12–13  Bank deposit records, reviewing seller’s
                   Angel investors, 167, 179–180        during due diligence, 91, 118
                   Answering machine, changing message   Bank-owned properties, 58–59
                       on after closing, 136         Bankruptcies, as source of deals, 56
                   Anxiety, introducing into negotiations, 98  Banks, local, repositioning projects and,
                   Apartment buildings                  163, 164
                     repositioning of, 13            Below replacement cost, buying
                     sample deal analysis for, 79–82      property for, 71–72
                   Appraisal                         Below-market price, buying property
                     due diligence and, 124             for, 43
                     lenders and, 169                Below-the-line expenses, 63, 237
                     in loan application package, 170  Big-box retail stores, market cycles
                   Appreciation                         and, 32
                     equity build-up and, 9          Bird-dogging, 146
                     forced, 11–12                   Blanket mortgages, 176
                   Assessor’s offi ce                 Breakeven analysis, 77
                     due diligence and reassessment   Breakeven occupancy, 77
                         schedule, 119               Bridge loans, 166


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