Page 15 - Vitamin D and Cancer
P. 15

2                                                          H.S. Cross

            Keywords  Expression of extrarenal vitamin D hydroxylases • Cancer prevention •
            Regulation of colonic vitamin D synthesis • Calcium • Estrogens

            1.1   Introduction

            The  enzyme  25-hydroxyvitamin  D3-1a-hydroxylase  (CYP27B1)  plays  a  central
            role in calcium homeostasis [1], but alternative physiological actions have been
            suspected for decades. The enzyme catalyzes the conversion of 25-hydroxyvitamin
            D  (25-(OH)D ) to the hormone 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D  (1a,25-(OH) D ) that is
            known to regulate calcium and phosphate transport in intestine, bone, and kidney.
            While  initially  it  was  thought  that  only  proximal  tubule  kidney  cells  express
            CYP27B1, it became evident in the mid-1980s that extrarenal cells, for instance,
            bone  cells,  macrophages,  and  keratinocytes  (see,  e.g.,  [2])  could  also  express
            CYP27B1 enzymatic activity in vitro. Mawer et al. [3] demonstrated that certain
            lung  cells  had  measurable  CYP27B1  activity.  Apparently,  this  particular
            25-hydroxyvitamin D3-1a-hydroxylase was not up-regulated by PTH and was not
            down-regulated by plasma calcium, a hallmark of the renal enzyme. In addition,
            while in renal cells sufficiency of serum 1,25-(OH) D  concentration leads to induc-
            tion  of  the  vitamin  D-inactivating  enzyme  1,25-(OH) D –24-hydroxylase
            (CYP24A1)  [4],  the  extrarenal  CYP27B1  is  not  necessarily  inversely  correlated
            with CYP24A1 expression, a fact that will be enlarged upon later in this chapter.
              While extrarenal CYP27B1 activity in macrophages might be the reason for the
            hypercalcemia associated with sarcoidosis and lymphomas, there was also the pos-
            sibility that it might be coded by a gene different from the renal one, and this could
            lead to alternative regulatory mechanisms. The renal CYP27B1 is a combination of
            three proteins: a cytochrome P450 as well as two other proteins, ferredoxin and
            ferredoxin reductase. Purified preparations of these proteins possess the CYP27B1
            enzyme activity in vitro [5]. These enzyme complexes were cloned from rodents
            and human renal cells and response elements were found in promoter regions that
            allow  up-regulation  by  PTH.  Proof  was  provided  that  extrarenal  CYP27B1  is  a
            product of the same gene as the renal form. However, regulation of the newly dis-
            covered CYP27B1 suggested existence of a paracrine loop in extrarenal tissues for
            the  modification  of  cellular  proliferation  and  differentiation,  though  subsequent
            conversion of the active vitamin D metabolite into a C-24 oxidation product by
            CYP24A1 was similar to renal catabolism [6].
              In the last few decades, there has been growing appreciation for the multitude of
            physiological roles that vitamin D has in many body tissues. As early as in 1979,
            Stumpf et al. demonstrated that cells from heart, stomach, pancreas, colon, brain,
            skin, gonads, etc., have the nuclear receptor for 1,25-(OH) D  [7], the so-called
            vitamin D receptor (VDR), and such tissues are potential targets for 1,25-(OH) D
            activity. Many of these VDR-positive tissues are also positive for CYP27B1, i.e.,
            the enzyme that can convert 25-(OH)D  to the active metabolite [8], and many of
            these tissues are known to be targets for development of malignancies.
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