Page 16 - Vitamin D and Cancer
P. 16

1  Vitamin D: Synthesis and Catabolism                           3

              As mentioned above, regulation of CYP27B1 in these non-renal tissues differs
            from  that  observed  in  the  kidney  and,  importantly  and  in  contrast  to  the  renal
            enzyme, may be dependent on substrate concentration for activity. This led to the
            novel  concept  that  maintenance  of  adequate  serum  25-(OH)D   levels  would  be
            essential for providing the substrate for the synthesis of the active metabolite at
            extrarenal sites, which in turn would have physiological functions apart from those
            involved in bone mineral metabolism. This concept will be enlarged upon in the
            following. Evidence will be provided for the function and regulation of vitamin D
            synthesizing  and  catabolic  hydroxylases,  i.e.,  CYP27B1  and  CYP24A1,  respec-
            tively,  in  colorectal,  prostate,  and  mammary  gland-derived  cells  that  are  from
            organs particularly affected by sporadic malignancies during advancing age.

            1.1.1   1,25-(OH) D  Synthesis
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            7-Dehydrocholesterol,  the  immediate  precursor  in  the  cholesterol  biosynthetic
            pathway, is produced in rather large quantities in the skin of most vertebrates, also
            humans. Ageing decreases the capacity of skin to produce 7-dehydrocholesterol by
            as much as 75% [9] and this is of particular relevance when considering that spo-
            radic cancers occur primarily in the elderly. When exposed to sunlight, skin cells
            absorb UVB radiation with wavelengths of 290–315 nm leading to a rearrangement
            of  the  molecular  structure  of  7-dehydrocholesterol  to  form  the  more  thermody-
            namically stable previtamin D . Protection of the skin by topical sunscreens will
            reduce  previtamin  D   production  by  almost  100%.  Persons  that  have  greater
            amounts of melanin in their epidermis require much higher exposure to sunlight
            than whites to avoid vitamin D deficiency. Living at geographic latitudes above 35
            will not provide enough UVB photons for sufficient production of vitamin D  in
            skin during winter time (for further reading see, e.g., [10]). Very few foods natu-
            rally contain vitamin D. Cod liver oil and oily fish are the best dietary source which,
            in some Scandinavian countries, can provide a positive balance to the lack of der-
            mal vitamin D production.
              Vitamin D  is first hydroxylated in the liver by CYP27A1, a cytochrome P450
            25-hydroxylase, to the precursor 25-(OH)D . To be fully active, 25-(OH)D  must
            be  converted  to  1,25-(OH) D   by  CYP27B1,  a  mitochondrial  cytochrome  P450
            enzyme present primarily in proximal renal tubule cells but also in many extrarenal
            cells  [11].  While  the  hormone  regulates  calcium  and  phosphate  metabolism  in
            intestine, bone, and kidney, at extrarenal sites it has a wide range of biological
            effects that are essentially noncalcemic in nature. The most surprising one is its
            ability to suppress hyperproliferative growth of cells and to support differentiation.
            In 1982, Tanaka et al. [12] provided the first evidence that 1,25-(OH) D  was able
            to promote differentiation of HL-60 leukemia cells. This, and a pronounced antimi-
            totic effect, has subsequently been shown for many types of cancer cells in vitro
            (see,  e.g.,  [13–18]),  though  only  at  nanomolar  concentrations.  However,  serum
            1,25-(OH) D   never  exceeds  picomolar  concentrations,  regardless  of  whether
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