Page 158 - Vitamin D and Cancer
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7  Induction of Differentiation in Cancer Cells by Vitamin D    145

            SCC              Squamous cell carcinoma
            Sp-1            Specificity protein 1
            TCF4            T-cell transcription factor 4
            Wnt             Wingless-related MMTV integration site
            VDR             Vitamin D receptor
            VDRE            Vitamin D  response element

            7.1   Introduction

            In  general,  differentiation  is  a  term  that  signifies  the  structural  and  functional
            changes that lead to maturation of cells during development of various lineages.
            Cancer cells are unable, in varying degrees, to achieve such maturation, and thus
            malignant neoplastic cells show a lack of, or only partial, evidence of differentia-
            tion, known as anaplasia. Since the basic underlying cause for the failure to dif-
            ferentiate can be attributed to structural changes in the cell’s DNA, i.e., mutations,
            which are essentially irreversible, it is remarkable that some compounds can induce
            several types of malignant cells to undergo differentiation toward the more mature
            phenotypes. The physiological form of vitamin D, 1a,25-dihydroxyvitamin D  (1,25D),
            is one such compound, and the importance of this finding is that it offers the poten-
            tial to be an alternative to, or to provide an adjunctive intervention to the therapy,
            as well as the prevention of neoplastic diseases.
              The  feasibility  of  differentiation  therapy  of  cancer  is  supported  by  the  early
            observations that some cases of neuroblastoma, a childhood malignancy, can spon-
            taneously differentiate into tumors that are composed of normal-appearing neuronal
            cells, and the child’s life is spared [1, 2]. The reasons for this conversion have not
            been elucidated, but it seems reasonable to assume that as the child matures, the
            endocrine and the immune systems become more efficient, and one or more of such
            factors  are  able  to  induce  differentiation  of  neural  precursor  cells  to  the  more
            mature, noninvasive forms.
              An example of an already successful interventional approach to differentiation
            therapy of a neoplastic disease is the use of all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) for the
            treatment  of  acute  promyelocytic  leukemia  (APL)  and  perhaps  other  leukemias
            [3–5]. Additionally, a synthetic analog of ATRA, Fenretinide, can potentially serve
            as an agent which can prevent breast cancer in women [6], illustrating the fact that
            a demonstration of a clear clinical therapeutic effect of a differentiation agent opens
            up the possibility that it may also serve as a cancer chemopreventive compound.
              While the role of 1,25D in cancer chemotherapy and cancer chemoprevention is
            only beginning to be established, there are several reasons to believe that its promise
            will be fulfilled. These reasons include the fact that 1,25D is a naturally occurring
            physiological substance, and thus unlikely to cause the adverse reactions which occur
            when xenobiotics are administered to patients, unless given in very high concentrations.
            Second, the issue of hypercalcemia, which occurs when the concentrations of 1,25D
            greatly exceed the physiological range, and has previously limited its clinical appli-
            cations [7, 8], can be addressed by the dual strategy of developing analogs of 1,25D
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