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154                                           E. Gocek and G.P. Studzinski

              Transformed  keratinocytes  which  give  rise  to  SCC  tend  to  be  resistant  to  the
            differentiation-inducing action of 1,25D [107, 108], even though apoptosis and cell
            cycle arrest induced by 1,25D have been demonstrated in models of SCC [109, 110].
            While VDR expression is required for 1,25D-induced differentiation, the resistance
            of SCCs to 1,25D is not due to the lack of functional VDR [111]. The possible
            explanations  for  the  1,25D  resistance  include  the  finding  that  the  VDRE  in  the
            human PLCg-1 gene is not functional [111]. Another explanation for the resistance
            is that increased serine phosphorylation of retinoid X receptor alpha (RXRa) by the
            Ras/MAPK pathway leads to its degradation, and thus VDR loses its heterodimeric
            partner for gene transactivation [112]. Yet another possibility is that VDR coactiva-
            tors in SCCs are not appropriate for transactivation of differentiation-inducing genes
            [95]. Specifically, it was suggested that the expression of differentiation markers
            required a complex of VDR with the Src family of coactivators [113], but in SCC
            the DRIP coactivator complex is overexpressed, and there is a failure of SCCs to
            switch from DRIP to Src, resulting in the inability to express genes required for dif-
            ferentiation. It would be interesting to learn if this model has a wider applicability.

            7.2.5   Osteosarcoma and Osteoblasts

            Differentiation, as well as growth inhibition, has been documented in 1,25D-treated
            human and rat osteosarcoma cells [114, 115]. The differentiation was recognized by a
            morphological change to the chondrocyte phenotype, and by increased Alk Pase stain-
            ing. The presence of Alk Pase or osteocalcin could also be detected at the mRNA
            level [115]. In human fetal osteoblastic cell line responsive to 1,25D, mineralized
            nodules were detected [116], demonstrating that an advanced degree of differentia-
            tion can be achieved in this cell system. Interestingly, 1,25D-induced differentiation
            in osteoblasts and osteocytes is accompanied by an increase in the potential for cell
            survival through enhanced anti-apoptotic signaling [117]. It is possible that this is
            mediated by EGFR-relayed signals, as in contrast to other cell types [32, 62, 118],
            1,25D-treated osteoblastic cells show increased levels of EGFR mRNA [119].
              Recent studies suggest that the anti-apoptotic effects of 1, 25D on osteoblasts and
            osteocytes  are  mediated  by  Src,  PI3K,  and  JNK  kinases  [117].  The  suggested
            mechanisms include an association of Src with VDR, though transcriptional mecha-
            nisms were required, as shown by an inhibition of the biological effect by exposure
            to actinomycin D or cycloheximide. The association of VDR with other proteins may
            be particularly important in osteoblast cells induced to differentiate by 1,25D, as another
            group reported that IGF-binding protein-5 (IBP-5) interacts with VDR, and blocks
            the RXR/VDR heterodimerization in the nuclei of MG-63 and U2-OS cells, thus
            attenuating the expression of bone differentiation markers [120]. Also, in ROS 17/28
            cells the NFkB p65 subunit integrates into the VDR transcription complex and dis-
            rupts VDR binding to its coactivator Src-1 [121]. Although protein–protein binding
            between VDR and p65 has not been demonstrated, this remains a possibility, further
            highlighting the importance of this mode of control of VDR activity.
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