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9  Molecular Biology of Vitamin D Metabolism and Skin Cancer    205

            9.5.2   The Role of 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D  in Normal Skin

            Before investigating the role of 1,25(OH) D  in the skin in healthy and diseased state, it
            is important to know the process of keratinocyte differentiation in the epidermis. The
            epidermis is composed of four layers. Directly on top of the basal lamina, the basal layer
            of the epidermis is the stratum basale, followed by the stratum spinosum, then the stra-
            tum granulosum and finally the most superficial layer, the stratum corneum [134]. As
            the cells differentiate, they gradually migrate up from the base layer, stratum basale, to
            the  stratum  spinosum  then  granulosum  to  finally  become  completely  differentiated
            keratinocytes in the stratum corneum. Proliferating keratinocytes found in the stratum
            basale express keratin 5 and 14. Upon entering the stratum spinosum, the cell expresses
            keratin 1 and 10 instead of 5 and 14 and the synthesis of involucrin and transglutami-
            nase-K, an enzyme cross linking the involucrin with other substrates for the formation
            of the cornified envelope is now evident. By the time the cells reach the stratum granu-
            losum, granules containing loricrin and the keratin filaments bundling protein precursor,
            profilaggrin are present. Lamella bodies in this layer, which secretes fatty acid, cer-
            amide, and cholesterol, fill the intercorneocyte space to bind the corneocytes together
            in the stratum corneum providing the skin its elasticity and barrier function [10].
              The fact that keratinocytes are the only cells that supports the complete vitamin D
            metabolic pathway from 7-DHC to 1,25(OH) D  [93, 104] and the observation of
            1,25(OH) D  induces keratinocyte differentiation [73] together with the fact that the
            expression  and  levels  of  VDR  and  1,25(OH) D   vary  with  differentiation  [72]
            strongly suggest that 1,25(OH) D  is an autocrine/paracrine factor for keratinocyte
            differentiation  [12].  In  experiments  with  1aOHase  knockout  mice  [11],  it  was
            observed that there were no gross epidermal phenotype differences between the
            knockout and their wild type littermates, however, there is a reduction of the dif-
            ferentiation  markers  involucrin,  filaggrin  and  loricrin.  It  was  also  found  that
            1,25(OH) D  and calcium act together in a synergistic manner to elicit prodifferen-
            tiation  effects  including  the  activation  of  involucrin  and  transglutaminase  gene
            expression (Table 9.1) [150]. A plausible explanation of the observed synergistic
            effect of 1,25(OH) D  and calcium arises from the close proximity of the calcium
            and VDR elements in the promoter of the involucrin gene although the mechanism
            of this synergistic effect is still unknown for the transglutaminase gene [13].
              The calcium signaling pathway for keratinocyte differentiation is very similar to the
            rapid non genomic/surface membrane pathway of 1,25(OH) D  signaling (described in
            detail in Sect. 9.3.3). The binding of extracellular calcium to the calcium receptor
            (CaR) activates the receptor to stimulate PLC activity which leads to the formation of
            DAG and IP  that eventually causes the release of intracellular calcium stores from the
            endoplasmic reticulum and the golgi. This initial and sustained increase of IP  through
            PLCb and g respectively allows the sustained increase of intacellular calcium to induce
            genes necessary for differentiation [78, 165]. During the differentiation process, apart
            from inducing the expression of involucrin and transglutaminase, 1,25(OH) D  also
            induces CaR [131] and PLCg expression [164] (Table 9.1). Thus, the requirement for
            1,25(OH) D   to  induce  the  proteins  needed  for  differentiation  is  consistent  with
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