Page 221 - Vitamin D and Cancer
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208                                       F.S.G. Cheung and J.K.V. Reichardt

            p53 having a dual role of JNK inactivation while in the same time activate cell cycle
            arrest related genes to protect cells from apoptosis upon UVB irradiation [99].
              If 1,25(OH) D  could prevent the apoptosis of UVB irradiated cells, the next concern
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            is the danger of allowing cells with increased DNA damage to survive [61]. Gupta et al.

            tested whether 1,25(OH) D  enhanced cell survival would lead to an accumulation of
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            UV induced DNA damage. Cells treated at physiological dose of 1,25(OH) D  (10  M)
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            24 h prior to irradiation not only showed significant dose dependant increase of cell
            survival, but a dose dependant decrease in TD was also observed. Such effects can be
            reproduced  by  treating  cells  with  1,25(OH) D   immediately  after  irradiation.  More
                                               2  3
            importantly, there was a corresponding increase in p53 with decreasing TD. As it is
            known that UV induced increases in nitric oxide (NO) products [22] can enhance DNA
            damage by UVR [151] and inhibit CPD repair [6], the levels of nitrite were also mea-
            sured and a significant reduction of nitrite in 1,25(OH) D  treated cells was found.
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            Therefore these experiments [61] suggest that the reduction of TD or DNA damage by
            1,25(OH) D , is due to the increase of p53 along with a decrease of NO products that
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            results in increased DNA repair. Taken together, the effect of 1,25(OH) D  on UV irra-
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            diated cells is to reduce the number of apoptotic cells and enhance cell survival by
            improving UVB induced DNA damage repair. The protection of 1,25(OH) D  against
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            the formation of CPD was also supported by another study [34], however, these effects
            were only seen using pharmacological doses and a suppression in p53 was obtained. It
            is argued that the suppression of CPD formation by 1,25(OH) D  may have prevented
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            the need for p53 accumulation for DNA repair. However, such discrepancies may also
            be due to the difference in cell culture and irradiation conditions.
              The  fact  that  the  photoprotective  effects  of  adding  1,25(OH) D   immediately
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            after  irradiation  was  comparable  to  those  with  24  h  1,25(OH) D   pretreatment,
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            prompted studies to investigate the mechanism of 1,25(OH) D  in producing such
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            effects.  A  series  of  elegant  studies  [39,  40,  162]  found  that  the  photoprotective
            effects of 1,25(OH) D  described above can be reproduced by three low- calcemic
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            analogs  of  vitamin  D  both  in  vitro  and  in  vivo.  It  was  described  in  Chapter  2
            (Sect. 2.2) that the existence of trans and cis isomers allows 1,25(OH) D  to medi-
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            ate genomic as well as rapid, non genomic responses. Rapid response signaling is
            mediated by the cis conformers. These experiments showed that cis-locked, low
            calcemic  rapid  response  agonists,  1,25(OH) lumisterol   (JN)  and  1,25(OH) –7-
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            dehydrocholesterol  (JM)  added  immediately  after  irradiation,  displayed  similar
            protective effects to that of 1,25(OH) D  at physiological doses. A rapid response
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            antagonist  (HL)  completely  blocked  the  photoprotective  effects  [162]  while  a
            genomic response antagonist (TEI-9647) had no effect [40]. In fact, the protective
            effects of the low calcemic rapid response agonist, JN, has been confirmed recently
            in vivo [39]. Furthermore, the low calcemic homo hybrid analog (QW) with some
            transcriptional capacity, was also able to reduce pyrimidine dimmers as well as
            immunosuppression in the same level of effectiveness as 1,25(OH) D  when topi-
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            cally  applied  to  the  epidermis  of  irradiated  hairless  Skh:HR1  mice  [40].  These
            results  show  QW  to  be  a  potential  candidate  in  skin  cancer  prevention  (see
            Sect.  9.5.5).  Therefore,  the  data  from  these  studies  provide  strong  evidence  for
            vitamin D photoprotection via the rapid response pathway.
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