Page 113 - Think Like a Champion
P. 113

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                                                      DONALD J. TRUMP
                                 was good, but I’m just getting warmed up” as a way to keep
                                 yourself challenged. The best achievers are those who are self-
                                 motivated, who are naturally curious, and who don’t need to be
                                 told what to do next. Strive to be that kind of person. Entrepre-
                                 neurs are driven by their own inner forces, and it’s a great way of
                                 life as well as a great approach to life.
                                    What lies within us? Hopefully, a lot of great ideas and plans
                                 for the future as well as the innate sense of our ability to achieve
                                 them. I think Emerson was alluding to this idea of hope in his
                                 statement. It’s important for survival and it’s important for success.
                                 Sometimes it is what keeps us going when the odds may not be
                                 on our side. Don’t underestimate the power of some of the un-
                                 seen or intangible forces in your life. Just because you can’t see
                                 something doesn’t mean it’s not there. The first person to give you
                                 a chance should be yourself.
                                    So give yourself a chance—every single day. Some people re-
                                 ally are their own worst enemy. Don’t fall into that abyss—because
                                 that’s really what it is. Ever watched children when they are try-
                                 ing something new? They are excited, they are eager, and they wel-
                                 come the challenge. That’s an attitude to recapture or to try to
                                 emulate. The enthusiasm that discovery provides is a sure way to
                                 make sure that everything you are doing is paving the way toward
                                 your current as well as future successes. I received a letter from my
                                 kindergarten teacher, and she mentioned that what she remem-
                                 bers most clearly about me is that I never stopped asking ques-
                                 tions. I wrote back to her and informed her that some things never
                                 change—that I still ask a lot of questions. But I said that it had
                                 obviously served me well, and I thanked her, belatedly, for her pa-
                                 tience many years ago. Every one of my questions was the begin-
                                 ning of the next one.
                                    So here’s one for you: If you had nothing at all to do, what
                                 would you do? And after you did that, what would you do? And

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