Page 116 - Think Like a Champion
P. 116

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                                                  Learning without thought
                                                        is labor lost.



                                               There Are Times
                                              When You Should

                                                     Move On

                                  ometimes we have to be patient and sometimes we have to
                               Sget moving. Wisdom is knowing which time is which and
                               when to do what. I know, easier said than done. But we all know
                               when we’ve exhausted certain possibilities—and quite possibly
                               ourselves—in the course of finding out. Wouldn’t it be great to
                               know everything first?
                                  That could save a lot of time. One way is to train your brain
                               to do some assessing first. Do the “scenario” test:What if I quit
                               this job, what would tomorrow bring? Maybe some adventures,
                               but without a paycheck. What if I stayed in this job? The same old
                               stuff but with a paycheck. What if I thought about a new career?
                               A good plan, because you can stay in your job while you’re work-
                               ing your brain toward something more challenging. Sometimes
                               that will even open up opportunities in your present job. Do the
                               brain work first, asking yourself a lot of questions.

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