Page 121 - Think Like a Champion
P. 121

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                                                      DONALD J. TRUMP
                                 clicked with—and he was a banker. The chemistry for great things
                                 was there, and it was the last thing I had expected to happen. I had
                                 been in a negative mindset,but my disciplined side took over, and
                                 without any expectations on my part, things took a decidedly bet-
                                 ter turn just because I showed up.
                                    Second, you have to remain determined. If you have a big pic-
                                 ture in mind, you will need big determination to go with it. The
                                 old saying “Rome wasn’t built in a day” is an apt one.There is no
                                 easy way—much as I’d like to tell you otherwise. But if you are
                                 doing something you love doing, it should not present too much
                                 hardship. Most of us are aware of the tremendous difficulties that
                                 faced people like Michelangelo and Beethoven, yet they prevailed
                                 and they’re still with us centuries later. It helps to know what other
                                 people have faced in accomplishing their goals. A lot of times we
                                 don’t know how much work is required until we get into some-
                                 thing, no matter how much research we’ve done, so fortitude is
                                 absolutely necessary.
                                    Then we come to the unexpected—events that happen that
                                 can thoroughly alter our plans, such as earthquakes, wars, natural
                                 disasters, and so forth. Here’s when the theory of adaptability
                                 comes in. Are you able to remain flexible enough to handle ca-
                                 tastrophes? Disasters happen, and they aren’t always foreseen. Sud-
                                 denly our big picture has a new script attached to it! Well, believe
                                 me, you can handle it if you go with the flow and remain deter-
                                 mined at the same time.The best thing to remember here is Win-
                                 ston Churchill’s advice to never give up: “Never, never, never, never,
                                 never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in, ex-
                                 cept to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force;
                                 never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.”
                                 We may not be experiencing the blitz,but sometimes when prob-
                                 lems start up, it can feel like it. Prepare yourself with strength of
                                 character to withstand discouragements as well as disasters.

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