Page 147 - Think Like a Champion
P. 147

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                                                      DONALD J. TRUMP
                                    Business is business. For example, if you get fired, there’s usu-
                                 ally a number behind it, and that can take the personal affront right
                                 out of it. Businesses have to watch out for their bottom line or
                                 they won’t be in business for very long. Don’t get worked up. If
                                 you do, you might be taking it the wrong way. It isn’t always easy,
                                 but try to be objective.
                                    I learned early on that business can be completely impersonal
                                 even when you’re dealing with human beings. One banker I was
                                 dealing with was so indifferent that he was literally like a machine.
                                 When a machine says no, it’s very tough. There’s no negotiating
                                 possible. I remember writing that you’d be better off dealing with
                                 a killer with real passion than with an institutional type who has
                                 no emotion and just wanted to go home at 5 o’clock. Sometimes
                                 we run into brick walls like that. Our only recourse is to find an-
                                 other way around it, which I did. But I got a good insight into
                                 how impersonal business can be.
                                    I’d rather be personable. It also works better, provides more
                                 options for everyone, and allows for more creativity. It can require
                                 more energy, but I can tell you the results will be worth it. It still
                                 strikes me as funny that I suddenly became very popular after I
                                 started firing people every week on national television. People re-
                                 ally liked me for that. Or so I thought. What it was is that they
                                 were seeing the real person behind the famous name. They see that
                                 I can be tough but that I try to be impartial. I’m also a bit of a
                                 teacher. I’ve always been this way, but it was never seen before ex-
                                 cept by my employees. I’m personable, but I can be all business.
                                 Believe me, it’s a formidable combination.
                                    I have to be careful not to blow people away, because if you
                                 cross me personally and professionally, I’ll have a double whammy
                                 waiting for you. I don’t enjoy being vicious,but sometimes in self-
                                 defense it becomes necessary. I don’t like the double standard, as
                                 in, whatever I do is okay and whatever you do isn’t okay, or vice

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