Page 158 - Think Like a Champion
P. 158

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                                               Great works are performed not by
                                                 strength but by perseverance.

                                                      —Samuel Johnson



                                   here have been so many books and examples about the power
                               Tof positive thinking that it seems unnecessary to even men-
                               tion it. But I still see examples every single day of the power that
                               negative thinking has over people, so either people haven’t gotten
                               the message or they’re just plain not paying attention.
                                  When I started thinking about this essay, I realized that maybe
                               people just don’t have the persistence required to make positive
                               thinking work for them. Things rarely just happen overnight. Most
                               overnight success stories are no such thing. Just because you only
                               recently heard of someone doesn’t mean they haven’t been work-
                               ing for twenty or thirty years or more already. When my television
                               show, The Apprentice, became a big hit, I had over thirty years of
                               experience to draw upon when conducting the boardroom scenes.
                               It wasn’t just a fluke that I came across as someone who knew what
                               they were doing. The fact that I was on television was new, but the
                               rest wasn’t particularly new to me. Business is business, whether

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