Page 159 - Think Like a Champion
P. 159

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                                                      DONALD J. TRUMP
                                 it’s being filmed or not. My business credentials and experience
                                 came into the picture as the necessary background for creating a
                                 show based on high-stake New York corporate business.
                                    How does positive thinking fit into this Apprentice scenario?
                                 First of all, I didn’t say no. I knew it was a risk, but I was positive
                                 about what might happen. If I’d chosen to listen solely to the neg-
                                 atives about the endeavor, such as “most new TV shows fail” or
                                 “reality TV is on the way out” or “you’ll lose your credibility”
                                 or “you’ll lose your grasp on your business empire”and about fifty
                                 other negatives, I never would have given it a thought. But instead,
                                 I chose a positive perspective. I asked myself the “what if” ques-
                                 tion. What if it was a success? What if I enjoyed it? What if it
                                 proved to be enlightening? What if it brought The Trump Organ-
                                 ization the recognition it deserved? What if the jobs provided
                                 to the winners proved to be valuable stepping stones to deserv-
                                 ing individuals? I had a long list of positives to go along with the
                                    I’m a pragmatic positive thinker. When I hear people saying
                                 that anything you want to do is possible, that seems childish or at
                                 least uninformed to me. Some things are not going to happen. For
                                 example, if I suddenly decided tomorrow that I wanted to win a
                                 gold medal at the Olympics as a swimmer, and I was sure I could
                                because I was so positive about it, well, I think I’d have to have
                                some mental checks. It’s not going to happen, no matter how hard
                                I train. Or if I decided I was going to give Tiger Woods a run for
                                his money as a golfer, starting tomorrow, I think I’d have to worry
                                about being a little irrational. Be positive, but be realistic.
                                    Back to the persistence issue. You have to be positive every sin-
                                gle day.You have to put a daily effort into it, because believe me,
                                no one else is going to help you with this. Most people think their
                                lives will be easier if they have less competition.The fact that you
                                believe in yourself could get in their way. Good. Get in their way!

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