Page 170 - Think Like a Champion
P. 170

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                                          Freedom is not the right to live as we please,
                                            but the right to find how we ought to live
                                                in order to fulfill our potential.

                                                   —Ralph Waldo Emerson


                                               Set the Standard

                                   eople who work for me know that my media persona of
                               Pbeing positive and enthusiastic isn’t just a façade. I am that
                               way—from the inside out. I have big ideas and a big enough en-
                               ergy resource to get them done. Those who are around me will
                               eventually catch on that that is how I operate. It’s an effective ap-
                               proach that obviously works. It’s contagious in the best sense of
                               the word. One thing everyone knows about The Trump Organi-
                               zation is that we get things done and our energy level is one rea-
                               son why. I’ve set the standard and everyone follows suit.
                                  If you like to work hard, you will attract people with the same
                               ethic. The people who work with me enjoy the daily challenges
                               and set their own standards to meet those challenges. Their pat-
                               tern of thinking matches mine—how do we accomplish more?
                               How do we get to where we want to go? It’s a combination of vi-
                               sion, courage, and discipline to realize that the possibilities are al-
                               ways there. But if you’re thinking too small, you might miss them.
                               Learn to think big.

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