Page 23 - Think Like a Champion
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I may not be Stephen King, but I can appreciate what he does.
You may not be a mogul yet, but I think you can appreciate the
complexities of what I have to deal with daily. Stephen King is
pointing out that the market for short stories is limited these days,
so the writers of short stories seem more determined than ever to
make their mark—but on the editors who might be able to get
their story into print, not the reader, who might be expecting to
be entertained. A valid consideration, I will say.We all have target
markets and the demographics are important, no matter what your
industry may be.
In short, Stephen King is astutely acknowledging that the short
story writers of today are protecting their assets by targeting their
writing to the people who will most likely be able to get it into
print.Their second consideration is the reader because,unless they
consider the editor first, their reader will have no chance of ever
seeing the short story, no matter how wonderful or how mediocre
it might be. It’s an intelligent approach, but I can understand the
point Mr. King is making when he laments the fact that the sto-
ries seem prefabricated to appeal to a certain audience—editors
and teachers, in this case.
When I build a residential building, for example, I will first
consider who will be living there. I study the demographics, as
does any business person, whether you’re in advertising or resi-
dential property management. To get the message out, I will also
have to appeal to the people who will choose—or not choose—
to promote the building. By now, my name is big enough and
equated with the gold standard to the extent that I don’t have to
say too much about it. The name Trump is a guarantee of a cer-
tain level of quality. Stephen King mentions that short stories seem
to be delegated to the bottom shelf at the bookstores. He says the
American short story is alive but not well these days. The main
reason seems to be that the target market is simply dwindling.