Page 35 - Think Like a Champion
P. 35

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                                                      DONALD J. TRUMP
                                 discoveries and opportunities. Keep your door open every day to
                                 something new and energizing. Sometimes I wonder what will
                                 show up, which is a terrific way to start every day. Other times I
                                 might have to search a bit on my own, which is why books and
                                 educational tools can be wonderful and should be readily available.
                                 Maybe I’m just fortunate, but I’m never bored. In fact, I think that’s
                                 a big reason behind my success.
                                    Once in awhile—or often is even better—ask yourself this
                                 question: What do I need to know more about? Maybe it’s world
                                 history.With the events of today being what they are, it’s proba-
                                 bly a good idea to know a little about how different cultures have
                                 evolved and are operating. Maybe it’s something else. I make an ef-
                                 fort to read newspapers with ample international coverage and the
                                 Financial Times on a daily basis because it’s important to my busi-
                                 ness to know what’s going on worldwide. That alone can require
                                 serious attention every day. For you it may be something else.
                                    These days, we don’t have many excuses for having a blind
                                 spot. We all have access to information with relatively little effort,
                                 and,back to the ancient Greeks, Socrates is famed for having said,
                                 “There is only one thing I know, and that is I know nothing.”
                                 Pretty tough words coming from an esteemed scholar and philoso-
                                 pher, but it opened him up to more knowledge every day. In other
                                 words, start every day with a clean slate. Give yourself a new be-
                                 ginning by opening up your mind.
                                    If I’d started in business thinking I knew everything, I’d have
                                 been sunk before I got started. Don’t make that mistake.There are
                                 a lot of hidden aspects in every industry, and you will find out
                                 how complex seemingly simple things can be. For example, to get
                                 a building built in New York City requires knowledge of zon-
                                 ing, contractors, architects, air rights, tax laws, unions, and about
                                 a thousand other things. I had a lot to learn and no one else could
                                 learn it for me. But every day I would learn something, apply it,

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