Page 40 - Think Like a Champion
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empowering one. It means you can accomplish a lot by applying
your brainpower and then moving forward with it. Thought with-
out action won’t amount to much in the long run. Those great
ideas you have will remain great ideas unless you actively do some-
thing with them.
Don’t wait for dire circumstances to test your quick-thinking
ability. Test yourself daily. Be on alert at all times. As Napoleon said,
“A leader has the right to be beaten, but never the right to be sur-
prised.” See yourself as a leader—starting right now. It will mean
you are self-reliant, responsible, and not apt to being unnecessar-
ily surprised by the vicissitudes of life, whether you are in business
or not. Being prepared cannot be overestimated, and if you want
to hit the big time running, you’d better be able to think on those
feet of yours.