Page 70 - Think Like a Champion
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Fear defeats more people than any
other one thing in the world.
—Ralph Waldo Emerson
To ask the right question is already
half the solution of a problem.
—Carl Jung
Your Fears
ecently,an interviewer asked me what my greatest fears were.
RI said I didn’t have any. He seemed surprised, but this is how
I see it: If you label something as a fear, then it creates fear when
sometimes it’s not a fear but a concern. For example, I know just
as well as everyone else that New York City experienced a major
terrorist attack and the thought of that is a concern for all of us,
because it affects all of us. It’s happened in many places, so it’s a
worldwide concern. But if we let it become a firmly rooted fear,
the terrorists will have won.
The same applies to business. Do you fear owning a business?
Translate that for yourself as asking:Are you concerned about own-
ing a business yourself? Why? What specifically are those concerns?