Page 74 - Think Like a Champion
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People with vision master the ability to see
through to the heart of issues and investments.
They value transparency.
—Robert Kiyosaki
Imagination: A Key
to Financial Savvy
have the great advantage of having graduated from the Whar-
Iton School of Business, which is probably the best in the world.
They made sure we were well versed in everything having to do
with business. This is not always a guarantee of success, but at least
we were well equipped for it.
Having had this advantage, I will explain a few things for those
who haven’t. Finance and business is a complex mix of components
that embraces a large spectrum of enterprises. It’s like having a
technique and then being able to apply it to different mediums.
As a builder, I instinctively saw the different aspects of finance fit-
ting and falling into place in a large blueprint—and as I learned
more, those blueprints became larger and larger. When I look back,
I realize I was thinking big way back in school.
This might sound simplistic, but I’m a firm believer in visual-
ization, and it worked for me. A blueprint might not work for you,