Page 86 - Think Like a Champion
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you employ out-of-the-box thinking while remaining within the
constraints of team effort?
I’ve also noticed how much time The Apprentice teams spend
bickering and infighting, which is not only a waste of precious
time, but annoying and sometimes even embarrassing. These peo-
ple are highly qualified, and to see and hear them carrying on at
length, many times over inconsequential things, is a clear indica-
tion that they should heed Henry Ford’s advice about finding a
remedy instead of finding fault.
Give your full attention to your work! I’m constantly surprised
by people who don’t seem to have this ability. That’s why you hear
me emphasizing focus so much—it’s absolutely necessary in order
to achieve results. Mindset includes responsibility and focus. We all
know how to turn on the television set. Be equally adept at turn-
ing on your mind to matters at hand and you might surprise your-
self by what you can accomplish.