Page 94 - Think Like a Champion
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Sometimes it’s not so fine—as when you find out someone is a
scoundrel and nothing’s going to change them. Then it’s wise to
call it quits with them. Other times, we have to realize that every-
one makes mistakes and to try to be a little more accepting of that
fact. Just as you don’t want to give up on yourself, you can’t al-
ways just give up on other people either. That’s where experience
and discernment will come in. But what’s most important is to
never give up on yourself.You never know when the tide is going
to turn in your favor, providing you have been paying attention
and working toward something worthwhile.
There was a time, early in my real estate career, when I was
trying to get a deal done and I thought I’d endured and worked
through every obstacle possible. Wrong. It took me two months
more of hammering away at the details until I arrived at what was
considered a done deal. Had I known what I was going to have to
go through from the beginning, I’m not sure I would have had the
fortitude to go for it or to stick it out. But I’m glad I did. It was
my first big success, which was the renovation of the Grand Hyatt
Hotel at Grand Central. Did I learn a lot? You bet I did. Every set-
back gave me a great lesson, and I was becoming a very educated
man in the process.
You have to be the same way, and you can be the same way.
Just be tough, be strong, be willing to learn—and you will learn.
So don’t be afraid of mistakes or setbacks.They can be your learn-
ing tools on the way to building something great for yourself.
We all have something to learn today. Remember that and your
chances for success will increase dramatically.