Page 66 - Midas Touch
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would be legally binding, but then again there was always the possibility I
                could become a big nuisance. It seemed things were hanging on a lot of
                “what if’s” at this point.

                Robert often mentions the risk factor in being an entrepreneur, and what
                happened  next  is  a  good  example.  I  received  a  call  from The New York

                Times.  They’d  heard  about  the  deal  with  Genesco  regarding  the  Bonwit
                building. Although we had kept this quiet, I knew it was time to make a
                move  since  Genesco  seemed  to  be  having  second  thoughts.  I  told  the
                reporter that an agreement had been reached, that my plans were to build a
                tower on the Bonwit site, and that the store would be closed in a matter of
                months. I figured that would put some pressure on Genesco. Things had

                definitely escalated. The next morning the article appeared and, as soon as
                it did, all of Bonwit’s employees went over to other high-end stores to look
                for new jobs. The result was that Bonwit’s began to have trouble running
                their  business.  Five  days  later,  I  had  the  contract  signed  with  Genesco.
                Like  I’ve  said  before,  business  can  be  a  lot  like  combat,  and  I  wasn’t
                fooling around. I was willing and ready to break a lot of eggs.

                We had seen some pretty big battles already, and we hadn’t even started
                the construction of Trump Tower yet! But sharing some of the back story
                gives an example of the kind of focus it takes and the battles that must be
                won just to get things going. As Robert said, life isn’t easy, so focusing on
                the  notion  that  life  is  easy  will  get  you  nowhere  and  just  make  you

                Every entrepreneur, if they are seriously focused on what they are doing

                and  want  to  achieve,  will  learn  what  it  takes  to  win  in  the  battle  zone
                known as business. So be prepared to stick it out and take risks when you
                need  to.  When  people  look  at  Trump  Tower  today,  they  see  the  beauty,
                which pleases me. I see the beauty too, but I can certainly remember the
                war zone I went through to get it started. Once again, it was worth it.

                Live from New York... It’s Saturday Night!

                Focus  comes  in  different  packages.  So  does  risk.  I  remember  when  I
                hosted Saturday Night Live a few years back. I knew very well I wasn’t a
                professional  entertainer,  but  it  sounded  like  great  fun,  certainly  a  new
                challenge,  and  most  definitely  a  risk.  Just  like  when  I  first  considered
                doing The Apprentice,  I  knew  being  a  new  television  personality  could
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