Page 92 - [Donald_J._Trump,_Meredith_McIver]_Trump_101_The_(BookFi)
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                             W O R K W I T H P E O P L E

                                        Y O U L I K E

                        It  s ure  beat s   working      with   e ne mie s

                          hen new employees work out, I sometimes credit it to
                   W divine intervention because people who interview well
                   don’t always perform as well on the job. Either way, it helps if
                   you like having them around. I’ve been fortunate to work with
                   people I like. Some of my employees have been with me for 20,
                   25, even 30 years. If we didn’t like each other, we would be serv-
                   ing a long sentence of misery. As it is, we work well together,
                   respect each other, and get more accomplished. Management
                   becomes much easier if you are careful when choosing your
                   employees and partners.

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