Page 97 - [Donald_J._Trump,_Meredith_McIver]_Trump_101_The_(BookFi)
P. 97


                           W H E R E T H E R E’ S A

                       W I L L,      T H E R E’ S A W I N

                                  Think     positively

                   o much has been written about the power of positive thinking
               Sthat it seems hardly necessary to mention it. Yet, much to my
               surprise, I constantly see negative thinking undermine people and
               hold them back. I have to conclude that these people haven’t got-
               ten the message or that they’re just not paying attention.
                   However, when I started writing this, I realized that positive
               thinking isn’t always enough. In addition to being positive, you
               must also be persistent. Being positive and persistent are insepara-
               ble—like success and me. Persistence is essential because you can’t
               just start out being positive and then throw in the towel at the first
               sign of trouble. You have to stay positive because success rarely
               occurs overnight. Usually, overnight success stories are fables;
               they’re simply not true. The fact that you just heard of someone
               today doesn’t mean he or she hasn’t been toiling away for decades.

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