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Mid-cap blend and value: 20 percent
International: 20 percent
Bonds: 15 percent
Cash: 15 percent
5. You are age 70, and you may well live another 20 years or more . You may
want to reduce your stock-fund exposure. However, even retirees
who emphasize high income and capital preservation should hold
some stocks in order to generate enough capital appreciation to
provide for long-term needs and hedge against inflation. You’re in
situation 3:
Large-company blend and value: 30 percent
Mid-cap value: 10 percent
International: 15 percent
Bonds: 25 percent
Cash: 20 percent
Here are my three favorite equity mutual funds in each of nine major
U.S. categories, plus five international funds, listed from highest risk/reward
to most conservative in each group:
• Large-cap growth: Marsico Twenty-First Century, Rainier Core Equity,
Harbor Capital Appreciation.
• Large-cap blend: Fidelity Contrafund, Tocqueville, Selected American
• Large-cap value: Hotchkis & Wiley Large Cap Value, T. Rowe Price
Equity Income, Vanguard Wellington.
• Mid-cap growth: Baron Partners, Brandywine, Turner Mid-cap
• Mid-cap blend: Hodges, Fairholme, Selected Special Shares.
• Mid-cap value: Third Avenue Value, Vanguard Selected Value, Gabelli
• Small-cap growth: Baron Growth, Janus Venture, Excelsior Small
• Small blend: RS Partners, Royce Value Plus, Keeley Small Cap Value.
• International: Artisan International, SSGA International Stock,
Main stay ICAP International Value, USAA International, Harbor
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