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spending. Then they committed to start reducing their expenses and also agreed
to commit to adding 10 percent of their minimum monthly payments ($268) to
their debt elimination plan. The important thing is to make a sincere start.
Stan and Barbara took the original debt payment ($2,675), added 10 per-
cent ($268), and put that total ($2,943) into an AIP. By doing that, Stan and
Barbara can pay off all their debt and be on their way to becoming multimil-
lionaires. In little more than five years, when all their debt is paid off, that
money gets redirected into an AIP. By the time they are ready to retire, this
supercharged AIP will grow to several million dollars.
It’s that simple. It really works. This is a powerful system. My program
has worked for Stan and Barbara, thousands of my students, and it can work
for you, too. Follow the steps and you, too, will be debt-free and rich faster
than you ever imagined.
Stan and Barbara’s New Financial Future
By following my debt elimination plan (DEP), this family will be completely
debt-free, including their house and cars, in about five years. At 65, by invest-
ing the recaptured debt money into an automatic investing program, they will
be millionaires.
How will they do it? They start with one car payment, which costs $300
a month, and add the entire amount they currently can afford ($268) to this
bill. By paying $568 every month, they’ll be able to wipe out the balance on
their second car in less than six months.
Now they take that money, $568, and apply it to their next highest prior-
ity debt. It’s critical to understand that you apply all of that 10 percent until
you are debt-free. For me, before I resolved to change, after paying off a car,
I would just spend that $300 a month car payment on something else; now,
under my debt elimination plan, you don’t buy something else and continue
the debt cycle. You keep strategically applying that money to other debts until
all of your debt is paid off.
Stan and Barbara’s next priority is their Visa debt. The power of this
plan is really exciting as you watch: They take the entire $568 and add it
to Visa’s monthly payment of $300 a month. The $868 they now have to wipe
out their Visa debt will wipe out their $3,600 balance in about four months.
By using my plan, they can pay off their second car and their Visa bill in
10 months, instead of years.
Next they’ll turn their attention to a department store charge account
($675), which they wipe out in one month. There’s a surplus left over ($263),
so they apply that toward their bank Visa card debt. I think you get the idea.
We go from one debt to another until all debts are paid off. In 21 months,
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