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                     ture that fronts on 5th Avenue and Madison Avenue at the southeast
                     corner of Central Park in Manhattan. It is one of the few buildings in
                     the world that takes up an entire square block bounded by two major
                     avenues. It is regarded as the premier office building in New York
                        When the property came up for sale in 1998 by a real estate in-
                     vestment trust, Trumpfelthehadtohaveit.However,oneofthe
                     majordrawbacks was a long-term lease of 400,000 square feet
                     with a major law firm ataverylowrentwithmanyoptionsforad-
                     ditional space as well as renewal terms. So, in effect, 20 percent of
                     the buildingwas frozen from future growth. That lease, together
                     with other long-term leases at below market rents, were key nega-
                     tive factors. On the positive side, the building was prestigious, had
                     agreat location, and the tenancy consisted of companies or indi-
                     viduals that were giants in the business world making the building
                     extremely attractive to major lenders who wanted the securityofa
                     stable rental stream.
                        The sales price of the GM Building was $800 million—all cash.
                     The challenge Trump faced was obtaining a huge mortgage loan at a
                     low interest rate, raising money for the balance of the purchase price,
                     and raising sufficient working capital since the existing cash flow was
                     anemic. The solution was finding a partner with deep pockets who
                     could be induced to participate in a massive undertaking.
                        Quite by accident, Trump met Steve Hilberg who was the CEO of
                     the Conseco insurance group, a public company loaded with money.
                     They became friends and Trump proposed a plan in which he and
                     Conseco would become partners, buy the GM Building, and make a
                     profit of $300 million within one year by turning the building into an
                     office  condominium. Since major corporations had big blocks of
                     space, Trump believed that they would rather buy the space they oc-
                     cupied  than  face a major increase in rent when their respective
                     leases expired. Hilberg liked the concept especially since Donald
                     Trump, who was a superstar in New York City real estate, proposed it.
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