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                     to get whatever money I needed from investors. The investors I re-
                     stricted told their friends and relatives about the wonderful invest-
                     ment opportunity they got into even though others were refused.
                        Because I only made short-term loans on property I was familiar
                     with, and repayment was guaranteed by my wealthy employers, I had
                     no bad loans. Because my loans were at an annual interest rate of 16
                      percent or more and I only paid my investors a healthy 10 percent, I
                      was creating a lot of income from the spread. It became clear to me
                      that if I could borrow the money from a bank I wouldn’t have to pay
                      10 percent a year on borrowed funds but only the lesser rate the bank
                      would charge. So, what I did was to pay off the original $30,000 that
                      I had borrowed from the bank, long before it was due. Although I
                      didn’t need any money until I was ready to place another mortgage, I
                      then asked the bank to loan me $50,000. They asked, “What are you
                      going to do with the money?” “I’m going to invest it.” was my reply.
                     They asked, “What are you going to invest in?” I told them that I
                     didn’t know right now but I wanted to be able to move quickly when
                     something came up. In the interim, I would leave the money I bor-
                     rowed in my bank account with them until I needed it. They loved the
                     idea and since I had already repaid the $30,000 and my financial
                     statement now reflected increased income, they approved the
                     $50,000 loan. I eventually paid off the $50,000 ahead of schedule.
                     Shortly thereafter, I asked for a loan of $100,000 but they would only
                     approve  it for $80,000. I accepted the reduction and again paid it off
                     ahead of time. Over the years, I have developed a $500,000 unse-
                     cured line of credit with a series of banks just by their review of my
                     credit history and financial statement that showed my ownership of
                     many high-interest paying mortgages. If one loan officer said his au-
                     thority was limited, I said, “Tell me whose approval is needed.” I then
                     went up the ladder of authority and established a relationship with
                     the higher ups. I also used existing loan officers as a credit reference
                     for new banks with which I was creating a new relationship.


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