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                   stop and say, “George, see that woodwork? This guy is the best wood-
                   worker in the entire city, maybe the world.” I knew that that was ex-
                   aggerated praise but the broad smile on the worker’s face said it all.
                   He will tell his friends and family what Trump said and you can be
                   sure he will be a perfectionist in everything he does for Trump.
                       You can motivate your real estate specialists like Trump. For ex-
                   ample, if someone is painting your house. You walk by and say, “Hey,
                   that really looks good; you’re really doing a great job.” What did it
                   cost you? Nothing! You can be sure that the worker will do a better
                   job as a result of your praise. This is how Trump inspires people. On
                   the other hand, you could go by the house and say to the painter,
                   “Hey, why are you taking so long to do that?” Now you have taken a
                   negative approach, and he has to defend his position. If he feels unap-
                   preciated his work will reflect his attitude.
                       Trump also motivates contractors by staying in touch with them
                   personally. When Trump is negotiating over the phone with contrac-
                   tors  about a job, he will speak personally to them, he won’t have
                   someone else do it. When bidding out any contracts he gets a list of
                   all the trades, and he will personally call each of them and negotiate
                   the final price. This takes place after his people have already negoti-
                   ated prices and have come up with a price acceptable to the contrac-
                   tor. When the time for finalization has arrived, Trump calls and
                   gives the final push. “I’d like to do the deal with you because I love
                   your work, but I can’t. Your numbers are way out of line. You bid
                   $1,000, I have a bid for $600; aren’t you ashamed to be that far off?”
                   “But I do better work,” is often the reply. Trump responds, “I only
                   deal with people who do great work but your bid is $400 more than
                   my other bid from another guy I’ve used before and I guess he wants
                   the job more than you do. You have to do something for me to make
                   this work.” Usually an agreement is reached which is mutually ac-
                   ceptable. Donald will often end it with, “I know I’m still overpaying
                   but I know you’ll do a great job. Don’t let me down.” Trump will

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