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                   ported Italian marble, and other materials compatible with preserva-
                   tion of the world-class aesthetic qualities of the Mar-a-Lago estate.
                   The club has a wine cellar capable of satisfying the palate of any con-
                   noisseur. The gourmet chef is famous for his preparation and presen-
                   tation of a huge variety of dishes. The list is endless. When it comes to
                   maintenance, Trump is truly obsessive. Trump will walk through each
                   of his properties and personally see that all the brass is perfectly pol-
                   ished. If he sees something that needs repair or if an elevator is dirty,
                   he will immediately call it to the attention of the person in charge. If
                   an employee is not wearing a cleaned and pressed uniform, he will spot
                   it. If a staff member doesn’t answer a telephone in a timely fashion,
                   he’ll find out why.
                       At Mar-a-Lago, Trump is forever casting his watchful eye. If
                   something was painted and the color is slightly off, he will insist on
                   immediate repainting. If a newly planted tree or shrub doesn’t look
                   right to him, he will have it promptly replaced. Perhaps the best ex-
                   ample of Trump’s eye for detail can be found in the furniture
                   throughout the estate. Because many of the original pieces were au-
                   thentic antiques of museum quality, Trump decided to sell them
                   rather than have the pieces subjected to club usage. However, before
                   it was sold, each piece of furniture was photographed and later re-
                   placed by an exact replica.
                       Make people want to be in your building because you care about
                   your property.
                       You can do it in the following ways:

                     •Make cleanliness a top priority.
                     •Put money into items that provide some type of service to oc-
                        cupants, rather than simply providing them with living quar-
                        ters, for example, the superintendent should also provide some
                        customer service like receiving and mailing packages or coordi-
                        nating repairs.

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