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                     FHA qualifying assumptions, 151  Grand Hyatt Hotel. See Commodore-
                     FHA/VA 203(v), 150                 Hyatt project
                     FHA/VA nonqualifying assumptions,  Ground leases:
                        151                           Kandell and, 38–39, 105–107, 109,
                   Feng shui, 121–123                    212–213
                   Financing projects. See Money, raising  Nike Building on 5th Avenue, 38–39
                   Finder’s fee, 149                  Trump Building (40 Wall Street), 50,
                   “Firm” prices, 57–58                  53, 54, 64–65
                   Fix-and-flip strategy, 195, 209–210  Trump Tower, 105–107, 109
                   Fixed-rate versus variable-rate   Growth potential, 35–36
                      mortgages, 142–143
                   Flexibility, 78                   Hilberg, Steve, 129
                   Forms, preprinted (negotiating tool), 76  Hines Company’s “Lipstick Building,”
                   40 Wall Street. See Trump Building (40  185–187
                      Wall Street)                   Hinneberg, Walter, 64, 65
                   450 Park Avenue, Manhattan, 32    Holding strategies, 213–218. See also
                   Freebies, 83                         Timelines, planning ownership
                   Friends/family, 146                conversions, 216
                                                      land banking, 214–215
                   Gallerie Lafayette, 38             renting with buy option, 215–216
                   General contractor (GC). See       watchdog, bringing in, 216–218
                      Contractor(s)                  Home buyers, marketing to, 191–192
                   General Motors (GM) Building:     Home mortgages. See Mortgage(s)
                     case study, 128–134             Hotel chains, 205. See also Commodore-
                     details, Trump’s attention to, 175,  Hyatt project
                        210                          Hot market, selling in, 212–213
                     photograph, 130                 Hoving, Walter, 106
                     tenants, 132                    HUD homes, 151
                   Germany, ground lease owner in, 54,  Human nature, knowledge of, 76, 77,
                      64–65                             81–85
                   Goldman, Sol:                     Humor, sense of, 78
                     death, 83                       Hyatt, 19, 53. See also Commodore-
                     dumb-is-smart principle, 82–83     Hyatt project
                     Kandell and (ground lease swap), 213
                     in land banking story, 215      IBM, 38, 39
                     negotiating style, 86–88        Incentives:
                     problem solving, 37, 40          for early completion of building
                     Ross’s early career and, 137–140    projects (versus penalties for
                     story of smart overpayment, 29–31   being late), 171–174
                   Golf courses:                      for investors, 148
                     Trump International Golf Course,  Installment basis, selling on, 210
                        114, 116                     Instinct, value of, 74–76
                     Trump National Golf and Country  Interest rates, 144
                        Club in Briarcliff Manor, New  Interior design, 114–115
                        York, 167                    Invested time philosophy, 63, 66–68,
                     Trump National Golf Club in Palm   84–85, 89
                        Beach, 160                   Investors, getting, 145–149
                   Grand Central Station neighborhood,  business plan, 148
                      6–8. See also Commodore-Hyatt   communication, 147
                      project                         control, 147

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