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                   Negotiations (Continued)             exclusivity, 81
                     “invested-time” philosophy, using,  fear of superiority in others, 82–83
                        66–67                           freebies, 83
                     investment pie, dividing up, 149   invested time philosophy, 84–85
                     key points, 45, 69                 little-at-a-time approach, 81
                     legitimacy, aura of (not being misled  one good turn theory, 83–84
                        by), 56–61                      power of a simple solution, 84
                     loan agreements, 144–145           satisfaction, need for, 81–82
                     never trying to get something for  Ziff ’s Principle of Least Effort, 83
                        nothing, 149                  knowledge of subject matter, 77, 78–79
                     P.O.S.T. acronym, 89–90          personality, 77, 78
                      Persons attending, 90          Newsweek building, Madison Avenue,
                      Objective, 90                     213
                      Strategy, 90                   New York City:
                      Tactics, 90                     Board of Estimates, 13, 16, 17
                     power, sources of, 76–77         Building Department, 41
                      company policy, 76              statute giving tax benefits to
                      good record keeping, 76            developers, 108
                      knowledge, 76                   Trump versus aura of legitimacy,
                      preprinted forms, 76               59–60
                      risks, willingness to take, 76–77  New York State, 5, 212
                      time, 77                       New York Times, Trump ads in, 189–190
                     preparation/planning, 61–62, 89–90  Nike, 38–43
                     principles, 45
                     questioning whether to continue,  Olympic Airways, 40–42, 111
                        74–76                        Onassis, Aristotle, 40–41
                     quick deal, avoiding, 62–66     One-good-turn theory, 83–84
                     reviewing, post-negotiation, 91  Organization of information
                     techniques/tactics:                (negotiations skill), 77, 79–80
                      change-of-pace, 97             Out-of-the-box thinking, 37
                      deadlines, 94–95               Overpayment, smart, 29–31
                      deadlocks, 93–94               Owner-occupants, high-leverage loan
                      delays, 95–96                     programs for, 150–153
                      take-it-or-leave-it, 96         FHA 203(b), 150
                      you’ve-got-to-do-better-than-that  FHA 203(k), 150–151
                         (“The Crunch”), 96–97        FHA qualifying assumptions, 151
                     telephone, 91–93                 FHA/VA 203(v), 150
                   Negotiator characteristics/skills:  FHA/VA nonqualifying assumptions,
                     ability to find/exploit weaknesses, 77,  151
                        85–86                         HUD homes, 151
                     ability to organize information, 77,  real estate owner (REO), 152
                        79–80                         VA mortgages, 151
                      checklist of open issues, 80    VA qualifying assumptions, 151–152
                      spiral notebook, 79–80
                      we-they list, 80               Palm Beach. See Mar-a-Lago Club
                      wish list, 80                  Palmieri, Victor, 10, 16
                     knowledge of human nature, 77, 81–85  Partnerships, real estate:
                      admitting mistakes, 84          business plan, 148
                      aura of legitimacy phenomena, 81  communication, periodic, 147
                      deadline syndrome, 84           control, 147

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