Page 17 - Newspaper_3.cdr
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Trump’s Time                                          ECONOMY                                  17

          Entergy Corp, the largest power                       the  outages  could  push  retail

          utility in Louisiana, warned there                    gasoline prices up 5 to15 cents
          was  “catastrophic”  damage  to                       per  gallon  until  processing
          transmission lines.                                   returns to normal.

          One  tower  that  provides  power                     Colonial Pipeline Co, the largest
          collapsed  at  the  height  of  the                   U.S. fuel pipeline network, said in

          storm and its power lines fell into                   the Reuters report that it hopes to
          the  Mississippi  River,  the  utility                start  pumping  gasoline  and
          said.                                                 diesel  on  closed  lines  from

                                                                Houston  to  Greensboro,  North
          Exxon  Mobil  Corp  halted                            Carolina,  on  Monday  evening.
          operations at its 520,000 barrel                      The network supplies almost half

          per  day  (bpd)  Baton  Rouge  oil                    the gasoline consumed along the
          processing  and  chemical                             U.S. East Coast.
          complex due to lack of power and

          raw  materials,  a  spokesperson                      Reuters  reported  that  oil
          said.                                                 c o m p a n i e s   h a v e   b e g u n
                                                                surveying offshore platforms for
          Phillips  66  will  conduct  a  post-                 damages.

          storm assessment at a refinery in
          a  hard-hit  area  of  Louisiana                      ”It will take some days to get a

          “when  it is safe  to do  so,” said                   clear picture of possible impact,”
          spokesman Bernardo Fallas.                            O l a   M o r t e n   A a n e s t a d ,   a
                                                                spokesperson for Equinor ASA,
          “You can't simply flip the switch”                    which  evacuated  its  Titan

          and  resume  production  of  a                        platform  and  halted  Gulf
          refinery, Robert Yawger, director                     production, said.
          of  energy  futures  at  Mizuho

          Securities,  said.  He  added  that                   “ T h e   c l o s u r e s   i n c l u d e d
          restarts  are  complicated  and                       Louisiana  Offshore  Oil  Port
          dangerous.                                            (LOOP),  the  largest  privately

                                                                owned crude export and import
          “My  observation  is  two  to  four                   terminal  in  the  United  States,”
          weeks,” Yawger said.                                  Reuters reported.

          The tracking firm GasBuddy said
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