Page 13 - Newspaper_3.cdr
P. 13

Trump’s Time                                           SOCIETY                                 13

          “If  you  really,  really  still  stand               Sept. 11, 2001, which spurred the
          behind  what's  allowed  this  to                     U n i t e d   S t a t e s   t o   i n v a d e
          happen and the way it happened –                      Afghanistan in order to topple al-

          which  was  unnecessary  then  I                      Qaida and dismantle their Taliban
          really don't want to be associated                    hosts who ruled the country.
          with you in any way and I certainly
          don't  want  your  business,”  she                    They include a 20-year-old Marine
          added. “I've had people come to                       from  Wyoming  who  had  been

          the  door  and  look  at  it  and  turn               expecting  his  first  child  in  three
          around  and  walk  away. And  I've                    weeks  and  a  22-year-old  Navy
          had people come into the kitchen                      corpsman  who  in  his  last
          while I'm cooking and say, 'Hey, I                    FaceTime  conversation  with  his

          love your sign.'”                                     mother assured her that he would
                                                                stay  safe  because  “my  guys  got
          Eleven  of  the  13  U.S.  service                    me.”
          members  who  died  in  the  Kabul
          attack were Marines. One was an                       At  their  deaths,  the  13  young

          Army  soldier  and  another  was  a                   service  members  were  on  the
          Navy corpsman.                                        ground  for  the  U.S.  coda  to  its
                                                                longest  war,  assisting  a  chaotic

          The dead ranged in age from 20 to                     evacuation  of  Americans  and  of
          31 and came from California and                       Afghans who helped the U.S. war
          Massachusetts  and  states  in                        effort  and  are  now  fleeing  the
          between. Five were just 20 — born                     Taliban after their return to power.
          not  long  before  the  attacks  of
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