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Trump’s Time POLICY 9
Gutfeld rips White House over deadly Afghan crisis:
'What is deteriorating faster, Kabul or Biden?'
'When you ask someone in charge 'why would you do something so
stupid' and the answer is 'We have no choice', that's the mark of a failed
leader', he said
As the crisis in Afghanistan intensifies under A f g h a n i s t a n R o s s W i l s o n g a v e
President Biden's watch, with the loss of 13 underwhelming reassurances to Americans
United States military servicemembers on stranded in Kabul; albeit just before the terror
Thursday in a ISIS-Khorasan suicide attack occurred Tuesday morning.
bombing outside Hamid Karzai International
Airport, "The Five" discussed the dire "There are safe ways to get [to HKIA] – There
situation on the ground and whether the are relatively safe ways to access the airport.
Delaware Democrat has proven himself up to We're doing everything we can to facilitate
the task. Host Greg Gutfeld said it appears the that," Wilson told ABC News.
White House's "Plan A" – to rely on Taliban
militants to protect U.S. personnel and assets Gutfeld compared Wilson's recommendation
– is "moronic", and that the fact it is the current to that of a news anchor offering typical
operational strategy shows there is no "Plan rhetoric to a traveler who might encounter
B.” longer lines at the airport:
"We gave a list of American citizens to the "He's like the news anchor that says 'Hey, it's a
Taliban to grant entry [to the airport]. We gave holiday weekend. Leave extra time getting to
control of the perimeter around the airport to the airport. There may be suicide bombers':
Taliban – This is a tell: When you ask Watch out for kidnapping and murder," he
someone in charge 'why would you do said.
something so stupid and moronic' and the
answer is 'We have no choice', that is the “I go back to the eternal question: How can
mark of a failed leader and failed everybody but the people in charge get this so
administration – when you are led to a place wrong. I'm an English grad from Berkeley … I
where there is no 'Plan B'," Gutfeld said. saw this coming. We all saw this coming. How
could they not see this coming? It makes you
"I have no idea what is deteriorating faster, think they saw this coming and they didn't
Kabul or Joe Biden at this point," he added. w a n t t o s a y a n y t h i n g , a n d t h e y
underestimated the risk."
Gutfeld added that Acting U.S. Ambassador to