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               Trump’s News Biden Afghanistan disaster

                                  Hannity: Biden Should Resign for

                       Abandoning U.S. Citizens in Afghanistan

                Fox News host Sean Hannity demanded President Joe Biden resign Monday on his show
                “Hannity” for abandoning his pledge to stay in Afghanistan until every American citizen was


                                                                             By PAM KEY

                 Referencing  reports                 One of the worst in                knew  what  day  it  is,            Americans  —  we
               that  roughly  200                   history.  Everyone                   he  would  resign                   don't  get  84%  of

               Americans  are  still                involved  should  be                 himself  right  now  as             Americans  to  agree

               left  in  Afghanistan,               fired.  Secretary  of                well.                               out much at all — up,
               H a n n i t y   s a i d ,            state,  Blinken  fired,                                                  but  84%  agree  U.S.

               “Apparently  Joe                     Defense  Secretary                    Leaving  Americans                 troops  should  have

               Biden  was  telling  all             Austin fired, National               behind  and  putting                stayed  behind  until
               of us an outright lie,               Security  advisor  Jake              their  lives  ins  the              e v e r y   s i n g l e

               every American. This                 S u l l i v a n ,   f i r e d ,      hands of terrorists, in             A m e r i c a n   w a s
               transcends  politics.                General  Mark  Milley                this case, the Taliban,             evacuated.

               This  is  a  Democrat,               — why he ever gave                   and  probably  ISIS-K
               R e p u b l i c a n ,                up  Bagram  —  fired.                and  al  Qaeda,  it's                 S e v e n t y - o n e

               conservative,  or                    They  all  need  to  be              beyond heartless. It's              p e rc e nt   s ay   we

               liberal.”                            held  responsible  for               c r u e l .   I t   i s             should have stayed to
                                                    this  unmitigated                    unacceptable.                       make sure every  ally

                 He continued, “This                disaster.  Yes,  Joe                                                     of  ours  is  evacuated

               is  the  worst  self-                Biden too, fired.”                    This  is  not  the                 also  because  we
               inflicted  foreign                                                        A m e r i c a n   w a y.            promised  them  that.

               p o l i c y   c r i s i s   i n       Hannity  added,  “If                According  to  a  new               Our word is supposed
               modern  American                     Biden had frankly any                ABC  news  full,  the               to be our bond.”

               history.                             honor at all if he even              vast  majority  of
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