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16 Biden Afghanistan disaster                                                                         Trump’s News

                     Ron DeSantis Demands Answers from Biden

                         Officials on Americans Left in Afghanistan

                Gov.  Ron  DeSantis  (R)  on  Monday  sent  a  letter  to  Secretary  of  Defense  Lloyd  Austin,
                Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas, and Secretary of
                State Antony Blinken, demanding answers on the number of Americans left in Afghanistan.

                He also sought clarification about the fate of Americans and Afghan allies “left in harm's
                way” on September 1, 2021.

                                                                       By HANNAH BLEAU

                 In  the  August  30  missive,      process  of  Afghans  being          Afghanistan.  That  includes        “For many, it's a painful choice.
               DeSantis  blasted  the  Biden        transported  to  the  United         about  6,000  American              Our commitment to them and
               administration's  “continued         States?                              citizens,”  he  said  during  his   to all Americans in Afghanistan
               lack of information,” deeming          ·    Have  any  evacuees           speech, but he was unable to        and everywhere in the world
               it “unacceptable.”                   been flagged for possible ties       offer  a  precise  number  of       continues.”
                 “The crisis in Afghanistan is      to  terrorism  during  security      Americans  who  remain                Pentagon  press  secretary
               of  President  Biden's  own          protocols?                           stranded and abandoned.             John  Kirby  also  admitted
               making, yet the consequences           ·    What  will  happen  to         “We believe there are still a      Americans were left behind.
               extend beyond the borders of         American citizens and Afghan         small  number  of  Americans,         “As  Gen.  McKenzie  said
               Afghanistan  and  into  the          allies  left  in  harm's  way  on    under 200 and likely closer to      yesterday,  we're  heartbroken
               United  States,”  DeSantis           September 1, 2021?                   1 0 0 ,   w h o   r e m a i n   i n    t h a t   w e   c o u l d n ' t   g e t
               wrote.                                 “I  have  a  responsibility  to    Afghanistan and want to leave.      everybody  out,  but  they  still
                 G o v e r n o r s   n e e d        protect  the  safety  of  every      We're  trying  to  determine        have  our  commitment,  they
               transparency,  he  said,  before     Floridian  and  stress  the          exactly  how  many,”  he  said,     still have the commitment of
               posing a series of questions:        imperative  of  an  immediate        asserting it is a difficult thing to   this  administration  and  the
                 ·    How  many  Floridians         response,” DeSantis added.           d o   b e ca u s e   s o m e   a re    United States, and we're going
               remain in Afghanistan                 On  Monday,  the  Pentagon          “longtime  residents  of            to  do  everything  we  can  to
                 ·    W h a t   i s   t h e         announced the last U.S. troops       Afghanistan  who  have              continue to try to get them out
               Administration  doing  to            departed  Afghanistan.               American  passports  and  who       of that country and out safely,”
               ensure the safe evacuation of        Blinken, while addressing the        are  trying  to  determine          he said during an appearance
               all  American  citizens  and  all    nation,  was  unable  to  say        whether or not they wanted to       on MSNBC's Morning Joe.
               eligible Afghan partners?            exactly  how  many  Americans        leave.”                               On  Tuesday  morning,
                 ·    How many Afghans are          were  left  behind,  a  point         “Many  are  dual  citizen          members of the Taliban stood
               being evacuated to the United        quickly  picked  up  across  a       Americans  with  deep  roots        on  Kabul  international
               States  and  where  are  they        broad range of news outlets.         and  extended  families  in         airport's tarmac and declared
               going?                                 “More than 123,000 people          Afghanistan who resided there       victory.
                 ·    What  is  the  vetting        have been safely flown out of        for  many  years,”  he  claimed.
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